Four Ph.D. research students’ vacancies are reported under the supervisor Dr. Sageera M.P in the P.G & Research department of the English. JRF holders can apply now
Interview for filling the vaccancy of faculties in following subjects will be held at Govermenet college Malappuram Subject : Physics Date : 10/06/2022 Time :10:30 am Venue : Principal’s room Subject …
Guest lecturer (Statistics) interview Date : 30/05/2022 Time : 10:30 am Venue : Principal’s Room For more details click the link given below guest
Applicants are invited for filling the existing vacancies in the following course. Applicants should have registered for CAP and preferably opted Govt. College Malappuram. Interested applicants may submit the applications along with xerox copies of the relevant documents on 10/12/2021 …
2021-11-26-GCM Jubilee Invitation