
Internal Academic and Administrative Audit Form

Department Ranking (Based on Internal Academic and Administrative Audit)
S. No. Name of Department Max Score Score Obtained %Score Relative % Rank
1 English 530 316.5 60 100 1
2 Commerce 520 294 57 95 2
3 Physical Education 320 175 55 92 3
4 Sanskrit 320 171 53 89 4
5 History 520 272.5 52 88 5
6 Chemistry 520 272 52 88 6
7 Arabic 520 264 51 85 7
8 Physics 520 258 50 83 8
9 Malayalam 520 245.5 47 79 9
10 Economics 520 216.5 42 70 10
11 Islamic History 530 212 40 67 11
12 Urdu 520 200 38 64 12
13 Political Science 320 115 36 60 13
14 Statistics 520 171 33 55 14
15 Hindi 320 100 31 52 15
16 Mathematics 320 95 30 50 16