
M.A. Islamic History

PG programme in Islamic History has been started in 2012-13 year and several batches have been awarded PG degrees.The PG programme in Islamic History spans two years, comprising four semesters. It encompasses core subjects such as Principles of Islamic History, Intellectual History of Islam, and Social and Cultural History of the Muslim World. Additionally, students will delve into specialized areas such as Islamic Historiography, Islamic Art and Architecture, and Muslim Societies in India.Each semester of the course entails a diverse set of courses that aim to offer a comprehensive understanding of Islamic history and civilization. Through lectures, seminars, group discussions, and individual assignments, students will hone critical thinking and analytical skills.Apart from the coursework, students are mandated to submit a research project in their final year, supervised by a faculty member, on a specific topic related to Islamic history. This project requires original research and contribution to the existing knowledge in the field of Islamic history, thereby helping students develop research skills and enabling them to specialize in a specific area of interest.To sum up, the PG programme in Islamic History offers students an in-depth understanding of Islamic history and civilization. The course encompasses a broad range of knowledge and skills, while the project component empowers students to specialize in an area of interest. The holistic approach prepares students for diverse careers in academia, research, and other fields where a comprehensive understanding of Islamic history is indispensable.

Admission process

 Students who have completed any BA UG Programme  can apply through PG Centralized Admission Process of University of Calciut.

Inatake of the Programme

Sanctione Intake of the Programme is 12 seats and intake is 22

Career prospects

Upon completion of the MA Programme, the students can pursue a variety of career options including teaching, research, journalism, civil services,  and more.


PG Syllabus for CBCSS PG – 2019 ADMISSION Download

Regulations-Postgraduate Courses CBCSS PG 2019 Modified Admission year: 2019 [Order Date:25-10-2021] Download