
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु

‘ tejaswinavadhitamastu’

(Let Our Learning Be Enlightening and Purposeful)




  • To provide our students with quality education through innovative practices and techniques instilling in them exemplary social commitment.
  • To inculcate the core values among the students to help them unfold as responsible citizens.
  •  To equip the students with the skills for identifying and realizing their respective careers.
  • To organize activities of divers nature that provide students with proper exposure to perceptions of national integration and international understanding
  • To equip the students and the community, especially the weaker sections for an upward movement to make an egalitarian social order.
  • To provide the students quality higher education in tune with the changing times.
  • To empower the girls, especially the Muslim girls, who were hitherto marginalized by proving quality higher education.
  • To inculcate among the students the vision of a pluralistic, multi-cultural, multi- religious and multi-dimensional order.
  • To extend sound education in basic science.
  • To mould an intellectually competent, morally upright and physically fit student community open to further growth.

                                   Performance Towards Vision and Mission

Central to the vision of the college is uplifting the educationally and socially backward area by disseminating the radiance of quality education. Just as in the previous years, the college has been able to produce very outstanding result in the university examination and ensure high success rate in educational and career related achievements in the current year. Several of our erstwhile as well as recently passed out students have been employed in diverse job areas in several cities in India and abroad. A large number of them is women and members of socially and educationally backward sections of the society. That the number of candidates heading towards further higher education projects such as MPhil and PhD is very high is a very good testimony to this fact. NCC and NSS, among other things, ensure the social and philanthropic commitments of our graduates in their posteducation period of life.