
                 As 2021 is the centenary year of the Malabar Rebellion in which the public resistance took shape as a popular uprising against the British, a glimpse into the distinctive features of Government College Malappuram would shed light into the evolutionary grounds of the region as well as the institution. The under developed areas of the erstwhile Kozhikode and Palghat districts were combined to form the district of Malappuram in 1969. The district subsisted on an agricultural economy. The majority of the population were agricultural daily wagers who were generally deprived from the benefits of modern education. Government College Malappuram was established in 1972 in such a context. The institution rightly chose education of women and oppressed sections as its priority. The journey started with the motto of “Let our Learning be Enlightening.” 50 years down the line, Malappuram is in the forefront of development indices like women education, computer literacy and growing middle class. This college proudly takes credit in the onward march of Malappuram in the education of women and oppressed sections being one of its distinctive features.

                     Over a period of time, the percentage of students who took admission from the socially and economically backward communities increased. The ratio of female and male student is 1556 to 377. Twelve faculties of the college are the former students of the college. 33% of the staff are women and 32 students are enrolled from tribal community this year. The notable alumni include elected representatives like A. Vijayaraghavan, V. Sasikumar, T. V Ibrahim, Mujeeb Kaderi, P. H Jameela teacher, political and spiritual leaders like Sadikali shihab thangal, civil servents like U.Abdul Kareem, and entrepreneurs like  Shanti. To cater to the requirements of the demographic dividend by increasing the educational opportunities of the region, the college has kindly consented to use its space to run the distance education center of the University of Calicut. This centre is meant for conducting contact classes for the students from different disciplines. Every year more than 1000 candidates are using the facilities of the college to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate studies. In addition, the space of the college is given to run an IHRDC, a technical education Center. All put together have played a crucial role in expanding the educational horizon of Malappuram from an under developed area to a developing one. The institution was always willing to ride along with the contemporary demands and alterations of the times. The increase in NRI remittance too has been facilitated by the sound education provided by this institution. A recent report by Govt. of India shows that the family income of the middle class in Malappuram district has increased.